eyes relax portable
eyes relax portable

2015年8月15日—DownloadEyesRelaxPortable0.87.4548.22233-Increaseyourworkefficiencyaswellasyourhealthbytakinglongandshortbreakswith ...,Flexibleapplicationtohelpreststrainedeyes.Ifyouspendyourdaysworkingatacomputer,youhavetobesuretorestyoureyesregu...

Eyes Relax

Flexibleapplicationtohelpreststrainedeyes.Ifyouspendyourdaysworkingatacomputer,youhavetobesuretorestyoureyesregularly.EyesRelax ...

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Download Eyes Relax Portable

2015年8月15日 — Download Eyes Relax Portable 0.87.4548.22233 - Increase your work efficiency as well as your health by taking long and short breaks with ...

Eyes Relax

Flexible application to help rest strained eyes. If you spend your days working at a computer, you have to be sure to rest your eyes regularly. Eyes Relax ...

Eyes Relax - The Mech

Eyes Relax is a tool that reminds you about taking those breaks. It a very flexible utility, which allows you to specify two independent (short and long) work ...

Eyes Relax 0.72 計時提醒工具(還有家長模式喔!)

2012年4月29日 — Eyes Relax 0.72 計時提醒工具(還有家長模式喔!): 對於家有小孩的家長來說,Eyes Relax 是相當不錯的控制小朋友使用電腦時間的工具喔!

Eyes Relax 0.87 免安裝中文版

2012年6月17日 — Eyes Relax - 計時提醒工具,可以設定工作時間、休息時間,自動提醒你使用多久的電腦就該讓眼睛休息;也可以巧妙地運用其家長模式來執行電腦管制,來 ...

Eyes Relax Alternatives and Similar Software

2023年10月27日 — The best Eyes Relax alternatives are stretchly, Workrave and ZenBreak. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 25 apps similar to Eyes ...

Eyes Relax Download

2024年6月24日 — Eyes Relax (EyesRelax.exe) free download, latest version ✓0.87.4548.22214, Eyes Relax is a tool that reminds you about taking those breaks.

Eyes Relax Portable for Windows

Eyes Relax Portable is an utility that helps avoiding eyes-related problems when working at a computer for several hours. Concentrating your eyesight on a ...

Eyes Relax 打電腦顧眼睛小工具,限制自己或孩子的休息時間

Eyes Relax預設狀態是讓你操作電腦十分鐘就應該閉起眼睛休息一分鐘,而預設的提醒方式只是右下角會出現一個小型「氣泡提醒」而已,也就是說Eyes Relax其實是有溫和的限制 ...


2015年8月15日—DownloadEyesRelaxPortable0.87.4548.22233-Increaseyourworkefficiencyaswellasyourhealthbytakinglongandshortbreakswith ...,Flexibleapplicationtohelpreststrainedeyes.Ifyouspendyourdaysworkingatacomputer,youhavetobesuretorestyoureyesregularly.EyesRelax ...,EyesRelaxisatoolthatremindsyouabouttakingthosebreaks.Itaveryflexibleutility,whichallowsyoutospecifytwoindependent(shortandlong)wor...